A Month of Me – Day 23

Mr. Guy and The Lady were not home for dinner tonight because they had to go to a special dinner.  Mr. Guy told me that he is retiring from school and it was a celebration dinner.  Why are they celebrating Mr. Guy being tired again?  The Lady and Mr. Guy are always talking about how tired they are like it is a bad thing.  And just when summer is coming and they will get some rest Mr. Guy is going to get retired?  Sometimes grown-ups just don’t make any sense!

When Mr. Guy got home I noticed that he had a big fat red string around his neck.  

No wonder he is tired!  He is not getting any air with that string tied around his neck.  Oh wait!  Maybe he said retied, not retired.  They were celebrating that he was having a big fat red string tied on his neck.  Hmmm…that doesn’t sound like any reason to celebrate either.  I was still confused!  Finally I just asked Mr. Guy what was going on.

Mr. Guy explained that retired means that he is not going to go to school anymore after two more weeks.  He is going to stay at home with me and the four-legged monsters and take care of us while The Lady goes to school.  He told me that he is going to be a stay at home monster dad.  Suddenly everything started sounding better!  Mr. Guy said that we would read books together and work in the garden and go to the park and go shopping and maybe even sleep late.  He said that The Lady would probably want us to do some things that weren’t so fun, like laundry and dusting, but that there should still be lots of time for us to do fun stuff together.  He said that there may also be days that we might even get to go have lunch with The Lady at school.   Now I get it.  The Lady will still go to school and she will be tired, not retired.

That still didn’t explain the fat string around his neck.  Mr. Guy said that it is called a neck tie and that it is kind of like a decoration that makes men look fancy and grown up.  Mr. Guy usually wears t-shirts like me and I think they look just fine.  I don’t think I want to look fancy and grown up if it means I have to wear a fat string neck tie.  I want to be able to breathe the fresh air!  Mr. Guy said it wasn’t so bad; he let me try on his tie. 

The red clashes with my fur!  Mr. Guy said that he has an orange and blue tie that would match my fur if I ever need to wear a neck tie.  I hope I don’t ever have to be that grown up!  Mr. Guy said that one of the best things about being retired is that he can wear his t-shirts every single day!  I think I might like to skip working a just go from being a little blue and orange furry monster right to be a retired monster!