A Month of Me – Day 22

Sundays are usually uneventful days at our house, at least for me.  The Lady usually sings at church and then when Mr. Guy and The Lady get home they get ready for the next week by going grocery shopping and getting ready for school.  Now that The Lady is done with school for the summer, things are a little different.  The grocery shopping doesn’t have to be done on Sunday and Mr. Guy and The Lady can do other stuff after church.  Today Mr. Guy went shopping, but not for food.  He decided that he needed a new chair for his desk.  He is going to give his old one to The Lady for her office at school.

Mr. Guy went to the office supply store to get his chair.  I thought they would give him a chair that was all ready for him to sit in.  Nope!  They gave him a chair kit.  

It was kind of like Lego.  If you followed all of the directions you’d end up with a chair.  If you don’t follow the directions, you’d end up with a wheelbarrow, or a windmill, or a piece of yard art.  I was kind of worried that Mr. Guy would end up with something other than the chair that he needed.  He’s not the best at putting things together; so, I decided that I should help him.  Mr. Guy thought that he should put his chair together outside so that we didn’t have to carry the big box in to the house.  I thought that was good decision because if we put it together inside and then ended up with a wheelbarrow or a windmill or a piece of yard art, we’d just have to carry it back outside.  

We opened the box and found the instructions.  I got a little worried.  We really don’t need any yard art!

This chair kit came with its own tools.  

And wheels.

And finally something that looked like part of a chair, or maybe a wheelbarrow.

The Lady did not stay outside with us.  She knows that Mr. Guy gets grouchy when he has to put stuff together.  He never plays with us when we play with Lego!  Just in case Mr. Guy’s windmill wheelbarrow chair spun out of control, I had a nice safe place to seek cover.

The first piece that Mr. Guy needed was the propeller.  I don’t know why his chair has a propeller.

Maybe it is so you can have a wind powered wheelbarrow.  That would make the yard work much easier!

So far, so good…

—until Mr. Guy started snacking on the parts of his kit.  If he eats that screw, the propeller is going to fall off of the wheelbarrow or his chair is going to collapse.  Either way, things will not be good!  I decided that I needed to help keep track of all of the pieces.

I quickly learned to be a quiet little blue and orange furry monster and stay out of the way and not say too much to Mr. Guy while he was concentrating on putting together his kit.  

I am very happy to report that in the end, perhaps with some divine intervention, Mr. Guy ended up with a chair…not a windmill or yard art or a wheelbarrow.  I was very brave and I sat in his new chair with him…and double checked the instructions to make sure that Mr. Guy didn’t have any screws missing.  All is well.

We rolled his chair inside to his desk and we all lived happily ever after.

The end.