A Month of Me – Day 19

It’s been a whole day and now I am not sure about these colored claws!  I looked in my closet for something that matched them and I don’t have shirts with this many colors on them!  I’m not even sure that I like all of these colors.  I think I miss my orange claws.  I think that tomorrow I might ask The Lady to take this claw icing off.  I didn’t know that I wouldn’t like colored claws until I tried them.

Tonight Mr. Guy and I went to the grocery store without The Lady.  I told him that I wasn’t sure about my colored claws and that I was going to ask The Lady to make them just orange again.  I wanted to know if he thought she would get mad at me for wasting all of her drippy stuff.  He said that he was sure that The Lady would understand.  Mr. Guy said that sometimes you have to try something to know whether you will like it or not like it – kind of like Brussels sprouts.  They are funny looking but they taste good.  It is OK if you try something and then decide that you don’t like it.  I’m glad that The Lady won’t be unhappy with me.

While we were walking through the grocery store, past the bananas and Brussels sprouts, I saw these pretty flowers.  I noticed that they were almost the same colors as my claws.  I asked Mr. Guy if we could get some flowers for The Lady.  She likes flowers a lot and Mr. Guy always gets her some when he goes to the grocery store by himself.  He said that flowers would make her smile.  

I want to make her smile because that means that I have been awesome today!  

I am sure that I like all the colors better when they are on flowers and not on me!