A Month of Me – Day 18

Today I watched The Lady decorate her claws.  It was very interesting.  First she dripped shiny stuff all over them.  Then she smeared it around with a soft little stick.  It looked kind of like putting icing on a cupcake except that her claws are much smaller and the shiny stuff didn’t small as good as frosting.  But, when she was done, her claws looked pretty, just like decorated cupcakes.  I asked her if she could decorate my claws too.

The Lady said that if I wanted to have decorated claw, she would be glad to do it for me.  She asked me what color I wanted.  I told her that I wanted orange frosting on my claws.  She said, “But you already have orange claws.”  I said, “Well, you already have pink claws and you just decorated yours with pink shiny stuff.  I want my claws to be shiny orange!”  She said, “Point made.” and agreed to the orange.

We had one little problem.  My claws are great big compared to The Lady’s.  It took a whole bottle of the shiny, drippy, frosting stuff to cover just one of my claws.  That meant we had to have eight bottles of orange!  I have four claws and two hands.  The Lady only had one bottle of orange decorating stuff.  That made me sad.  I didn’t want just one shiny claw.  I wanted eight shiny claws!  The Lady asked how I would feel about having a different color on each of my claws.  I thought about and decided that that would be fun.  So that’s what we did.

I like the colors on my claws, but I sure didn’t like having to sit still and wait for the drippy stuff to not be drippy and sticky anymore.  I was a happy blue and orange…and yellow and pink and green, monster once I could finally get up and play.

The Lady said that sometimes people decorate their claws to match their clothes.  I will have to look in my closet and see if I have a yellow and pink and green and orange shirt that matches my new shiny claws!

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