A Month of Me – Day 17

I got a new pillow case for my bed.  I like the orange, but I was a little scared of the words…be awesome today.  That is the first thing I see every morning when I wake up.  That means that today is every day and I have to be awesome every day.  I don’t know if I can do that!  I told The Lady that I was worried about being awesome every day.  She said that was not something that I needed to be concerned about.

The Lady said that all I have to do to be awesome is be myself.  She said that being nice to people makes me awesome.  Smiling makes me awesome.  She said that showing love and respect to everyone I meet makes me awesome.  Is that all?  I can do that!  I already do all of those things!  I like to be nice and I like to smile and I always show love and respect for the people I meet.  Now I’m not scared by my new pillow case.  Phew!   I can get a good night’s sleep so that I can wake up tomorrow and be as awesome as possible!