A Month of Me – Day 16

I think that The Lady and I may be in trouble with Mr. Guy.  Today was The Lady’s first day of vacation.  This day was way different than any day we have had in a long time!  First of all, The Lady was home all day.  I can’t remember the last time that happened.  I think because we were home all day Mr. Guy thought we might do some laundry and clean up some.  I have lots of t-shirts that need to be washed and put back on hangers.  There is monster fur on the floor that needed to be vacuumed.   The refrigerator needs to be cleaned out.  There may be some things in there that are orange and blue that aren’t really supposed to be those colors.  We need to get rid of them.  We could have done any or all of these things today, but we didn’t.  The Lady and I had a real vacation day!  We took a nap and The Lady showed me how to play games on her iPad.  That was lots of fun!  But it was kind of strange.  We had just finished lunch and we started to play the games.  I looked at the clock ten minutes later and it was time for Mr. Guy to come home from school.  I don’t know what those games do to the clock!  It happened again tonight.  We finished dinner and ten minutes later it was midnight. The Lady said she doesn’t understand what the games do to the clock either.  Maybe we’ll have to play again tomorrow to see if we can figure it out!

Mr. Guy snuck up behind us and took our picture.  I think that was during some of the time that disappeared while we were playing!  Boy were we busy!!!