A Month of Me – Day 15

Since we had a big adventure yesterday, today we stayed home, but I still got to do some new stuff.  First, I got to wear one of my new t-shirts that we got at Target a few weeks ago.  The Lady picked this one out because she likes the guy on the front.  Well, its not really the guy that she likes, she likes how he is built.  Wait, I don’t think that sounds right either.  I give up.  The guy on my shirt is a Lego guy.  I found out today that The Lady has lots of Lego guys.  Some even look like the guy on my shirt…if you get all of their parts in the right places.  They are astronauts, people who go to outer space.

Mr. Guy told me that when he was growing up, people flew in rockets into space all the time. He remembers when a guy named Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon for the first time. That was way back in 1969.  That was a long time ago!  I’ve seen the moon when I have been outside at night in my backyard and it does not look big enough for a rocket ship and a man to stand on.  Mr Guy says the moon is really a long way away.   Really it is big.  It took three whole days for Astronaut Armstrong and his friend Astronaut Buzz Aldrin to get to the moon. That is why it looks so small from here! Mr Guy even got to meet an Astronaut once. That was Astronaut Alan Shepard. Astronaut Shepard was the first American to go into space.  He went to the moon once too! Astronaut Shepard wrote a book about his life and was in Dallas signing copies of it for people. This is how Mr. Guy got to meet an astronaut.  He went and got a copy of his book!  Mr. Guy read some of it to me tonight.  He says that over the summer maybe we can read the whole thing together!

I wonder if the guy on my shirt is Mr. Armstrong or Mr. Shepard.