A Month of Me – Day 11

Today was another busy day for The Lady and Mr Guy. Like every weekday, they left early to go to school. Mr. Guy surprised me and the four legged monsters by coming home in the middle of the day. I think he was skipping school!  He wasn’t here very long. He came home to let the four legged monsters outside for a few minutes because The Lady was giving tests and couldn’t come home as early as she usually does. Mr. Guy hurried back to school so that he would not get in trouble for skipping school.  He might have to go to the principal’s office or something.

At almost dinner time,  The Lady came home. When Mr Guy came home a little later then  they left again to get dinner.  The four-legged monsters and I just popped open a can of something.  They were both too tired to cook and The Lady had to go to choir re-her-sal. I did not know what that meant. The Lady said she likes to sing. She sings with a group of people at church called the choir. On Wednesdays they practice so they will sound good when they sing on Sunday mornings. I don’t think I have ever heard The Lady sing. Someday I will get to maybe.

While the Lady was at rehearsal, Mr Guy came home because Offspring No.1 is not home and Mr. Guy did not want to leave me and the four legged monsters home alone for even more hours. We all watched TV, something we don’t do very often. The Mr. Guy went to get The Lady. When they came home we watched even more TV.  I saw all kinds of stuff about rain and thunder and lightening and hail.  It was scary.  The TV made me sad, too.  The Dallas Stars lost their hockey game so they won’t get a cup.  They are all going to be very thirsty!  I don’t think I like watching TV.  

I am going to bed now because if the people on TV are telling the truth, I may be waked up in the middle of the night by bad storms.

One Reply to “A Month of Me – Day 11”

  1. Bluper seems somewhat afraid of the 4 legged monsters. I will pray for Bluper to have no fear of the silly 4 legged monsters.

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