A Month of Me – Day 6

My furry little monster head is spinning!  I could not keep up with Mr. Guy and The Lady today.  They went non-stop all day long.  They got up early and went to school.  I stayed home with the four-legged furry monsters and Offspring No. 1.  The Lady came home at lunchtime and I thought we might get to do something fun. Nope!  She had to work on her blog that she writes with her friend Ms. Tracey.  They write about food and pictures and stuff, I think.  Then Mr. Guy came home.  I thought surely that then it was time for us to play.  I was wrong again!  Mr. Guy and The Lady had to go to a service at church.  I went, but I fell asleep in the car on the way and slept through the whole thing.  I don’t know why I was such a sleepy monster.  I didn’t have any fun all day!  When we got home, I had hoped someone would read me a story or something before I went to bed.  The Lady had to bake a whole bunch of bread stuff for a friend and Mr. Guy was busy doing chores.  I helped The Lady bake for a little while, but then it was my bedtime.  The Lady helped me write about today while her bread was in the oven.  I will have to wait until tomorrow to try some.  I am not staying awake until it comes out of the oven.  It is way past this little monster’s bedtime!

Now I understand why it is so hard for Mr. Guy and The Lady to find time to help me with my blog.  They are so busy!  I sure hope when their school is over, our lives, well their lives, won’t be so crazy.  

One Reply to “A Month of Me – Day 6”

  1. Oh Blueper, I know it's hard when your parents are so busy! I feel sad for Bud and Max often for the same reason. But Mr. Guy will soon be retired and The Lady will be on summer break soon. Many adventures await!

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