A Month of Me – Day 1

Because The Lady feels bad because she has not helped me much with my writing lately, she promised me that we would take a picture and write about it every single day this month.  I am going to be a hard working blue and orange furry monster for the next thirty-one days!!  That’s okay.  I know that Mr. Guy and The Lady will give me all the help that I need to be successful.

When Mr. Guy and The Lady adopted me, they promised that they would take good care of me and love me forever.  I wasn’t sure then what a promise was, but now I know.  It is when someone says that they will definitely do something.  I think that making a promise is pretty easy.  It is keeping one that my be the hard part.  Mr. Guy and The Lady have kept the promise they made to love me, so I have no doubt that they will keep their promise to help me write this month.  I know that that might be hard for them because they are finishing school this month and have all that end of school teacher stuff to do.  The Lady said that was okay, that we would all work together to make it happen.

After this school year, Mr. Guy is retiring.  That means that he won’t go to school anymore.  The Lady told me that he will be a stay-at-home dad to me and the four-legged furry monsters.  She said that he and I might be able to have some adventures together during the day while she is at work.  That might be kind of fun!

Thank you to all of my friends, old and new, who continue to support me by reading my blog!

2 Replies to “A Month of Me – Day 1”

  1. O Blueper, you are such a blessed creature with such lovely parents! This is a BIG promise in such a busy time of the year for them. Give them all the support you can. Be well!

  2. O Blueper, you are such a blessed creature with such lovely parents! This is a BIG promise in such a busy time of the year for them. Give them all the support you can. Be well!

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