A New Shirt!

I got a new shirt!  The problem is that it has been so hot here, that I don’t need, or want, to wear a shirt…or anything else for that matter.  The temperatures have been over a hundred degrees and that makes my fur all hot and soggy.  It is a very yucky feeling!  Because of the heat, we haven’t gone out much.  Mr. Guy and The Lady have been busy getting things organized at home before they both start school in a week or two.  Hopefully we will have another adventure or two before they go back to school.  I will miss having them home with me all day, but I know they need to work.  That is how they earn money to buy me new shirts!

I really like this shirt.  I know that there is good in the world.  I meet good people all the time.  They are nice to me and make me happy.  I hope that I can make people smile and be happy too!

Hopefully it will cool off a little bit and I can get out and continue working on my 100 People Project.      Right now, though, I will be happy at home with Mr. Guy and The Lady.