My 100 People Project – #16

Yesterday The Lady and Mr. Guy met one of The Lady’s picture taking friends, Ms. Sherry.  She is part of Capture Your 365, just like Ms. Peggy and Ms. Michele.  There sure are a lot of these people with cameras all over the place!  Ms. Sherry had to drive three hours just to see us.  That was very nice of her.  We all walked around Biltmore Village for a little while and then we had lunch at a Mexican restaurant  I guess Mr. Guy and The Lady have been away from Texas for too long and had to have some “home cooking.”

Ms. Sherry and The Lady talked about camera stuff and taking pictures.  They were saying things like aperture and zoom and f-stop and ISO and cropping and white balance.  I had no idea what they were talking about!  It is a good thing that I am a handsome little monster, more suited for in front of the camera than behind it!  Ms. Sherry was nice enough to be in front of the camera with me!  Thank you!

Oh, and by the way, she is another one of those teacher people.  Is everyone either a teacher person or a picture taker or both???

One Reply to “My 100 People Project – #16”

  1. I have to say, Blueper B, that actually getting to meet a celebrity such as youself was one of the most exciting things that has happened to me lately! The next time we meet we will have to talk more "Blue monster stuff" and go a little lighter on the aperture, f-stop, stuff. Actually a bit boring, I have to agree. I hope you made it safely back to your home and made many more new friends along the way! Hope our paths cross again one of these days.

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