Adventure to Asheville!

We are going on a vacation!  Mr Guy explained to me that a vacation is a trip where you don’t have to do any work.  That is what makes this trip different from all the times that we went to Delaware.  This is also a special trip because The Lady and Mr. Guy are celebrating their anniversary.   I had to ask what that meant. They told me it is the date they were married 5 years ago, a long time before I came along. 

We are going to a place called Asheville.  The Lady told me that I will get to see mountains there.  I don’t know what mountains are because she said that there aren’t any near us in Dallas.  She told me that I will just have to wait and be surprised by what they look like.  We get to go on an airplane to get to Asheville!  I like planes. The people on them are always friendly.  I like looking out the window.  We will stop in Charlotte before we get to Asheville.  I have been there before.  

The Lady and Mr Guy said we will be able to work on my 100 People Project while we are on our vacation. I hope to get to meet lots of people. Mr Guy even made a special card for me to give to people if they have a picture with me! 

It tells them where to look for their picture and read about my adventures.  And, the card thanks them for letting us include them in my project  

I think we should always thank people who do nice things. 

To get ready we had to pack lots of things. Well, The Lady and Mr Guy packed lots of things.  They have big bags full of stuff. I am only a little blue and orange monster and I do not need to take much.I looked through my clothes and picked a shirt to wear on the airplane.  

The Lady said that I would get a new shirt, maybe two, in Asheville so I don’t need to take too many with me.  Mr Guy said I needed to take my fancy vest, that weird shirt with no sleeves, and a tie, whatever that is. 

He won’t tell me why I need these strange things. It’s a surprise he said.  It all makes me a little nervous, but I trust him. Oh, I also had to pack my fur brush so that I look like a neat monster.

So I am all ready to go. And I am excited!!!

One Reply to “Adventure to Asheville!”

  1. A message to Blueper B from Grannymac, Stobbsie and Bella (I don't think you know about Bella yet but she will appear in my next blogpost). How exciting to be going in an aeroplane! We didn't on our trip but we did go on a ferry. We all hope that The Lady, Mr Guy and you have a wonderful holiday – have lots of fun!

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