Saturday In The Park

Today Mister Guy and the Lady took me to the park. They said it is officially the last day of summer, but that it will not turn cold here for a long time. They wanted to go to the park today because they have been very busy at school and have not been outside much.  I am too little to go outside by myself, so I haven’t been outside very much either.

By the time we headed out, it already was starting to get dark. The Lady said that it would get dark earlier and earlier now. So, we will have to get out to take pictures sooner each day. Mister Guy said that the change from summer to fall comes between today and tomorrow. He called it the Equinox. I had to ask him how to spell that big word. He told me it means ‘equal night’ because the day and the night are exactly the same length today. Mister Guys says this happens again when winter turns to spring. 

While we were at the park I saw some ducks. I had seen birds before, but they were always flying or standing. But these ducks were on the water. They floated!! It was very cool. 

The ducks started to come closer to us, but when they realized that we did not have any food, they moved in the opposite direction. The Lady told me that the water in the park is called a lake. That is where the ducks swim. 

I had seen water before; that was a big ocean in Delaware. The Lady said lakes are not as big as oceans. She said that not only do lakes have ducks, but they can have lots of fish and turtles in them. I have never seen a fish or a turtle. Maybe someday.

We went up to the playground. There were lots of fun things to do. 

I like that there is a playground close to our home. There were not too many people in the park tonight. The  library nearby was showing a movie outside on a big screen so people seemed to be there instead of in the park. That’s ok. I like to meet new people, but I also like being able to do things with just Mister Guy and The Lady.

I tried to ride a thing that looked like a great big grasshopper; I was too little and my arms would not reach. 

The grasshopper was too small for The Lady or Mister Guy to get on so they could not ride with me, but there was a smaller thing that I could ride all by myself!. It looked like a horse. I could stay on it if I hugged it’s neck! 

I had fun riding the horse. It really did not go anywhere. It just rocked back and forth, but it was fun to pretend that I was riding off into the sunset!  It really was sunset, at least.

I also got to go on two different slides. One was just a straight line and the other was all curvy. They were fun, but the curvy one made me a little bit dizzy. These slides were just the right size for a furry blue and orange monster. Mr Guy took me to the top and The Lady caught me at the bottom. 

I was glad she did!  I didn’t want to fly off onto the ground and get sand all in my fur.

I went inside a thing that Mister Guy said is called a teepee. I was confused because I thought he meant TP like toilet paper and I didn’t think I wanted to go inside that.  Mister Guy laughed and said that it was spelled t-e-e-p-e-e.  A teepee is a place wear Indians lived.  He said it was not a real teepee, but one made so little folks like me could play cowboys and Indians. 

He said long ago, the Native Americans, who many people call Indians lived right here in teepees. He said they had to fight for their homes because some people wanted to take their land. The people who wanted the Native Peoples’ lands would sometimes kill them for it. So there was fighting.  Why is there so much fighting?

I don’t understand things sometimes. It looks to me that everywhere I go there is lots of room for everyone. People should be able to get along. They should not try to take other people’s things. Blue and orange furry monsters are always happy to share. If I can be a friend and help someone by giving them something that I have, I will gladly share. But I would never just take something that did not belong to me.

There was also a make believe train in the park. It didn’t look much like the real train that I rode on before. That’s OK. 

 It was fun to pretend that I was the engineer who gets drive the train. 

I like trains. I hope I get to ride the real one again sometime soon.  The Lady said that we would probably go to the Texas State Fair in a few weeks.  When we do, I will get to ride the DART train again!

So that was my day in the park! I had fun. I like going places with The Lady and Mister Guy. They seem to like being with me too. 

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