To Philadelphia and Beyond

So today was adventure day.  We got up early so that I could pack all of my T-shirts.  Well, the Lady packed them in her camera bag.  She said she is going to have to get a new camera bag for all of my shirts.  I think that is just her excuse to get a new bag.

I slept in the car on the way to the airport.  There wasn’t much to see but corn fields, a chicken processing plant, and a few old buildings.  I wanted to be wide awake when it came time for the ride on the airplane.

The one thing I don’t like about airports is going through security.  That is scary for a little blue and orange monster because they won’t let Mister Guy or the Lady carry me.  I have to go through the scanner tunnel.  Today was different.  The TSA people in Salisbury were the nicest agents I have ever met.  They smiled and talked to me.  They knew I was scared so they made sure I was nice and safe in my bin.  

See…I told you they were super nice.

When it was time to board the plane, Mister Guy carried me.  I was still a little tired.  

Sometimes I wonder what people think when they see him carrying me around.  I don’t warn people to laugh at him or make fun of him. Mister Guy told me not to worry about that.  People can say whatever they want.  It won’t change how he feels about me.

On the little plane from Salisbury to Philadelphia, we sat in the Exit row.  The airplane lady said that that was a very important place to be seated because we might have to help in an emergency.  She asked each of us if we were willing to perform such duties.  I said, “Yes!” And offered to show her that I could pull the levers and through the window out.  

She assured me that that was not necessary. So, I just looked out the window.

We had a long wait in Philadelphia before our flight to Dallas so we had lunch.  Then I asked the question.  “Can I have a new T-shirt?”  The Mister a guy wasn’t sure because I didn’t really visit Philadelphia; the airport didn’t really count, but the Lady said she thought getting a shirt would be OK.  I stayed with Mister Guy and the bags because I could not be left unattended.  The voice in the airport sky said that.  The Lady got me a special T-shirt.

While we were in Delaware, Mister Guy and the Captain, the Lady’s dad, watched a lot of something that they called baseball. That explains the special shirt I  got. The Captain is a fan of the Philadelphia Phillies. I could tell by the way The Captain and Mister Guy talked, that the Phillies are not too good at this baseball, but sometimes they seemed to do it right.  Last night they had to play a really long time to beat another team called the Youstin Astros, or something like that.  The Astros live in Texas, but I like the Captain’s team best because I got to watch the Phillies with him.

When it was time for us to leave Philadelphia, the plane had too many people on it so we had to wait for the next one.  Mister Guy said that was OK because we got to fly first class.  I didn’t know what that meant.  He said that I would have my own place to sit and we would get food.  That sounded good to me.  It also meant that we would get home to Dallas very late, way past a little blue and orange monster’s bedtime.

Because I was so excited to tell the story of my airplane adventures, Mister Guy and the Lady helped me write this post on the airplane. 

 I kept getting distracted because I wanted to look out the window at all the pretty clouds.  

When it got dark, I finished writing and now am going to go to sleep in Mister’s lap.  Goodnight!