Peering From the Pier

Today the Lady and Mister Guy told me that we would go see that big ship again. It was going to be sailing out in the Delaware Bay! It would be cool to see it with all of its sails upl. So all day I  waited to go. While I was at home waiting, the Lady and Mister Guy went out  to eat lunch. They found a new place called Blue Sea Cafe. They did not know it was all decorated in orange and blue, like me! My kind of place! But I didn’t get to go. The Lady took some pictures to show me.

At dinner time we all left to go see the big ship. When we got to the dock, it was already out sailing.  Mister Guy and I waited and watched for it to come back. The Lady wanted to take pictures. While we all were waiting, she took some pictures of us. 

Mister Guy always tries to make sure I can see the interesting things. He also makes sure  that all of my fur is orderly for the pictures. 

The Lady tries to make sure  we both look good. 

The big ship finally came. It had been out sailing for almost two hours. 

We were all disappointed because it did not have its big sails out as it approached the dock.   It was being powered by a motor.  That just didnt seem right.  I guess they have be careful just how fast they are going when they come into the dock. It was still cool to see it gliding across the water. 

The place where the big ship lives also has a ferry. I learned that ferrys are another kind of big boat.  This one that takes people across to a place called New Jersey.   I think that I have heard on a TV commercial that New Jersey is where they make salsa.  The ferry will even let people take their cars aboard! 

Before we left the ferry terminal, we stopped to take a picture at the ferry boat sign. 

The ferry has been going back and forth from Lewes to Cape May for 50 years! Gosh, I haven’t even been around a whole year yet.  I think the Lady and Mister Guy are older than the ferry route.

On our way out, the Lady got all excited because she saw something and said we had to stop. She called  it Ms Pac-Man. I watched it for a while. 

The Lady said she used to play Ms Pac-Man A LOT once upon a time. So I learned this was a game I was seeing. She said it was more than a game; it was therapy when she was in college…whatever that means.

I was more interested in the reflection of myself than in those little ghostie things floating around.  

Don’t tell the Lady though;  she was so excited to show this game to me.   We went to the Blue Ocean Cafe, the blue and orange restaurant from earlier, they were closed. The Lady took my picture next to their sign. We matched perfectly!  I would like this place.  The Mister Guy promised to take me next time we come to Lewes.

Tomorrow we go home. I really have not been there much. Maybe this time I will get to learn more about where I will live most of the time.  But first, a new airport.  And, maybe a new T-shirt!