Back In Lewes

We are back in Delaware, where I met my people. I haven’t been out and about much this trip, but that is okay.: it is nice to just stay at the house where it is not too hot and where it is pretty quiet except when there are surprise parties, but that is another story! 
Yesterday Mister Guy and the Lady went to a place called Fort Delaware. The Lady had some picture taking friends that met them there. I was disappointed that I did not get to go because I heard one of them, named Michele, asked about me. I like meeting new people and thought it was not nice of the Mister Guy and Lady to leave me behind. 
But when they came home, they were all wet! While they were on Pea Patch Island, it rained a whole bunch and they were caught out in it without any kind of jackets to keep their fur dry. Mister Guy even showed me a picture from the boat that showed all the rain at the Fort.

Getting all wet would not be good for my fur. So I guess the adult people, Mister Guy and the Lady, were right not to take me.  Sometimes it makes me upset when the adult people are right. But, yesterday would not have been a good day for a blue furry monster like me to have been out and about in the rain.  You wouldn’t believe what my fur looks like when it is soggy…not a pretty sight!